

Leslie Lee

21 Responses to About

  1. um, excuse me, but i meant to post this a while ago…


    AND NOW I’M A LITTLE BIT OBSESSED WITH YELLOW, TOO! (with robin’s egg blue. i’ve pretty much decided those will be my wedding colors. when i get married. when i’m 84.)


    • hah, we’re pink & green sisters! seriously, my room all through college was PINK and LIIIIIIIME.
      And now, all of the bright colors in our place are either lemon or a more subdued lime, and I like it a LOT. Yellow is just so happy, but in a classy way.
      and, those colors sound fab for an elderly wedding šŸ˜‰

  2. Hey Friend,
    Thanks for commenting on my blog. I was thinking this morning that I need to email you and get the address for yours but now I’ve got it and I’m following you so I’ll be able to keep up with you a little better. I’ve been missing you and your craftiness a lot lately. I’d love to see you if you got any time when you are up here for Christmas.

  3. snydeen says:

    My youngest is named Garrett. Also a great guy. Looking forward to Raining Umbrellas and I’m really enjoying your blog! Jenny myfantasticlife.wordpress.com

  4. Hi there,
    so very nice to meet you! I wanted to pop by and thank you for entering the Studio JRU giveaway of the workbook “My Creative Peace.”


  5. Jason says:

    I came to your blog by curiosity when you were the only other commenter besides me so far at Emerging Mummy’s latest blog post. You noted that you also live in the land of Shiner so I figured I’d check it out. Looks like you’d really get along with my wifey. We live in Austin, I’m into photography, she’s into crafts & blogging, and she’s an Aggie…oh, and she’s obsessed with Pinterest! So, hi! šŸ™‚ Looking forward to surfing your posts.

  6. Kate says:

    Hi! I have recently discovered your blog and really enjoyed your posts and photos, so Iā€™m nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Congrats!

    I’ve added a link to your blog from my post: http://hippopaloola.wordpress.com/2011/10/11/nominated-for-the-versatile-blogger-award-choice/

    Thanks for the good stuff!

  7. That main photo is so nicely done! Your smile is so authentic and happy. Great blog šŸ™‚

  8. I like the layout of your blog. =)

  9. Deonna says:

    you have inspiring stuff here! šŸ™‚ thank you for sharing your life with us. It’s awesome of you to mention God also šŸ™‚ He is awesome, isn’t he?

  10. karyl33 says:

    Hi! Glad to happen upon your blog! I am a writer too. I hope you will visit my blog. It’s about marriage but also about God, love, and faith. Check it out! http://ilovethishusbandandwifestuff.wordpress.com/

    I hope to find inspiration for writing and creativity here. šŸ™‚

  11. Holly says:

    What a cute blog! Really nicely thought out and user friendly! Most of all, lovely about page too!

  12. Jess Witkins says:

    Love the ideas for your blog, and had to chuckle at why you started blogging, followed by “I don’t write about weddings anymore!” Had fun perusing through your posts today; nice to meet you through FP. Definitely be back, eager to hear more of your creativity ideas and your adventures in food, books, and antiques. FUN!

  13. marlandphotos says:

    For me going overseas means, going back to America! Enjoyed your blog about time. Some great ideas. I like the photo block idea. If you like photos of other cultures, etc. check out http://www.marlandphotos.com
    Have a great day!

  14. it feels good to be on your blog. warm hugs.

  15. Krysten says:

    OH my goodness….I just stumbled across your blog (somehow related to the 31 Days) and I may never leave! ha!! [bookmark…check!] My first thoughts: 1) Do I have a long-lost sister!? 2) There IS another person on the planet who still appreciates film! 3) Thank you for the encouragement you post here…it’s just what I needed today!

    This is one beautiful blog! Thanks for sharing…I’ll be stopping back by soon!
    Krysten in Ohio

  16. madisoncary says:

    found you via artboy68! i just love your blog! šŸ™‚ you have yourself a new follower here!

  17. artboy68 says:

    Hi Leslie- can’t find your email anywhere, so: if you would like the original drawing, email me (artboy68@live.ca) your postal address & I’ll mail it to you.

  18. kit says:

    you know what’s funny, is i came across your blog by accident on WP and i’m in central texas too! also a photographer, but i’m a longhorn :p HOOK EM!

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